1st Feb 2025 - Imbolc

This festival marks the first day of spring in the Celtic Calendar.  It is the marker of the first stirrings of spring, and whilst there may well be cold and bitter weather still to come, the light is unquestionably returning. Imbolc tells us that renewed, vibrant energy is on the way.  A time to cleanse, blow away the cobwebs, a time to feel hopeful and buoyed by the returning of the light.

In Ancient Ireland, Imbolc honoured the Celtic Goddess, Brigid. Rush crosses of all shapes and sizes, often with three arms, were fashioned and hung in homes and stables to protect the health of people and livestock.

In this workshop we will do a mindfulness walk in the garden at Doddington Hall to observe the first signs of spring and set our intentions for the year ahead.  We will then make artistic representations St Brigid’s crosses and hares - an ancient symbol of spring.

The workshop is at Doddington Hall 10 am – 4.30 pm. 5 places max. £125 pp

Tea/coffee and all materials will be provided.  Please bring your own lunch.